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The Vault of My Mind

You’ve taken it upon yourself to peek into jumbled antics taking place in my mind. I will not be responsible for any dreams, nightmares, or injuries that you incur while reading the stories below.


After blacking out, imagine waking up to something familar and realizing that you’ve done something you can’t remember. Enter this journey in the story ‘The Stains of Purgatory‘.

Entering a church is a humbling experience, but entering an abandoned church at night is different, and can be terrifying. Your journey into such a church begins in the story ‘Ashes From Above‘.

Teenage angst can be a bitch, especially for the parents. The ideas that stream through those young heads, and sometimes leaves their lips, can sting and stab. And again, it may work the other way around. See what I mean in my story ‘It’s Time for My Wish!‘.

Going for a long, leisurely drive should ease the mind, most of the time, but every once in a while, you may encounter something you’ve never seen before. Enjoy ‘The Mirage‘.

There’s an old saying that, “young people have no respect for the older folks.” In certain cases, it may be true, but what the young people don’t know is that the older folks have strange ways of exacting revenge. Read about one way an old shopkeeper dealt with his young tormentors. Enjoy ‘Revenge Can Be Sticky‘.

Cliff has experienced what few others have and lived through it, however, his scars are permanent. Fortunately, the love of his wife, with the help from his support group, has relieved some of his mental pain. What happens during a simple outing away from his home placed an unexpected face upon fear. I hope you enjoy ‘It’s the Same All Over’.

This is an excerpt from a story that will be included in the new collection I’m putting together. This first scene is just a taste of what’s to come. At the moment, the title is ‘The Vengeance of Burg Lichtenberg (Oberstenfeld)’. I hope you enjoy it!

An Odd Friend

As the beginning of the school year progressed, Bruce found himself getting bored. His best friend, Victor, didn’t really speak to him anymore. At least, not like he used to. The two of them always hung out together, but Bruce knew Victor’s personality was just the opposite of his. Victor was smart, an introvert, and to Bruce’s chagrin, a goody-two-shoes. Bruce wanted to go out, have fun, and get into some mischief now and then. Going to every class with Victor was about as much fun as attending an opera. Bruce wanted to do something that people wouldn’t forget for a very long time.

Football season had started, and both he and Victor always attended the games. Bruce was there to flirt with any girl he could while Victor truly paid attention to every play of the game. Victor’s reluctance to associate with anyone in the stands baffled Bruce. There had to be a way to get Victor noticed, bring him out of his shell, so to speak. In a flash, Bruce devised a devious idea. It was sure to get Victor noticed and there was no way it could fail. Yes, it was the perfect way to have fun, and Bruce didn’t have to worry about getting into trouble over it.

Bruce knew Victor was a gullible teen, about as naïve as they come, but Victor had the advantage of intelligence over him. What if Victor wouldn’t do as he asked like the other times? Oh yeah, the other times. Over the years, Bruce watched Victor get whippings from his parents, get punched by bullies, and even get kicked in the jewels by girls. Yeah, Victor was his patsy.

On this day, during the nighttime football game, Bruce found Victor sitting in the bleachers by himself, as usual. The opposing team was obliterating their high school team. Although Victor was alone, he cheered along with the rest of the crowd consumed with school pride and team spirit.

Bruce whispered into Victor’s ear.

Victor’s expression morphed from joy to horror. Bruce could tell he hated his suggestion and vocalized his disdain. The people sitting around Victor turned and stared at him, wondering why he was speaking so loud when there was no action taking place on the field. A few of them even moved away. Then Victor became sullen as Bruce kept telling him how much fun it would be. As usual, Victor’s will weakened, and Bruce could feel it. Victor was going to follow through with his idea.

Then their team scored a touchdown. The crowd stood and cheered, and so did Victor. Without warning, Victor shoved a little boy down the bleachers. Screams and gasps erupted. The horrified mob turned, held Victor down, and attacked him.

After the police arrived, they questioned the witnesses trying to discover why Victor pushed the lad. They all stated that minutes before the incident, Victor was actively talking to some invisible person named Bruce.

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