Performing IT duties…
Hi all! For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been performing upgrades on my laptop. Replaced the current SSD drive with another one, and upgraded to Windows 11. I ran into some issues installing the SSD drive which I never encountered before, but I practice what I preach: perform backups before any maintenance, and TEST them. I said it for 21 years while working in IT, and I do it at home.
I had 3 different backups, one for just about every situation. I ended up using two of them, and my laptop was back with no data loss. I truly can’t stress the importance of backups if you use a computer, or your cell. Data loss is no joke. In IT, it’s like a religion. But performing backups, and not testing them once in a while, can prove to be disasterous if the backup fails to do a full restore. Just a word of caution from someone who knows. Take care and stay safe!