It’s Done…
Hello, all! It’s taken over three years, but I have finally completely finished my collection STARTING OVER. Right now, reviewers are reading, and I have my fingers crossed that they’ll like it. Now, the waiting game is on. I plan on publishing it sometime in November, but that may change. The cover I’ve chosen is below.
I used the latest version of Calibre to create my own epub and mobi files, and I must admit, it was quite a learning curve. Modifying the MS Word document to work with Calibre took multiple attempts and a lot of hours. However, now that I was successful, it doesn’t seem so hard now. Maybe when I start to create my series of files, I’ll forget again. Creating a printed PDF document was just as challenging, but I gained practical experience.
Marketing will be the next task after the reviews.
I’ve been performing final edits on my 4-book series ‘An Unexpected Evil’. Last night, I began cursory searches for different covers for the series, and came up with a delightful idea of what I want on each cover. I’m jumping ahead because the stories haven’t been edited professionally yet.
Something surprised me today. I logged into and saw that someone left a review of one of my flash fiction stories from 2018 I forgot I wrote. When I read it, I know it can become something much, much bigger, and it also places me back inside the horror genre. I still need to finish the second mystery I’m working on before I start any new endeavors, but it’s nice to have a story in the chamber. Take care!