Happy New Year!
Hi all! It’s been a busy 2nd half of the year. I finally regained access my Facebook account and fixed my Amazon KDP account. With those two methods of communication fixed, I’ve already sent and received my first mystery story from beta readers. Just recently, I’ve sent my second mystery to a beta reader.
This is my first time using beta readers, and I wish I would have used them in my earlier writing. All of them found items I often overlooked, and by bringing them back into focus, I can use the tools I already have. One comment that really hit was that I was telling instead of showing. The particular phrase the beta reader referred to ‘having a confused expression.’ It does sound okay, but there is a way to show confusion. The best tool I have for this task it the Emotion Thesaurus I purchased a while back. I’d forgotten all about, but now, I keep it open constantly.
I’m still getting used to working with Draft2Digital. They do have nice offerings, but there is a learning curve. It shouldn’t take me long to get used to it. I guess that’s all for now. Take care!