Collection with my editor
Hello all. I’ve sent my newest collection to my editor. Hurray!
I also finished the first draft of the 4th and the last book in my ‘The Unexpected Evil’ series. With some excellent ideas from a very close friend, I made the entire story come full circle and have a somewhat happy ending, which is unusual for me. I’ve already edited book 2, but may do it one more time.
I finished the first draft of book 3 of the series last month, but I will not edit it yet. I want to start on another story which I will try to make novel-length. I already have an idea of what the story will be, but I need to come up with real-world events that surround the idea. That, by far, is difficult for me. I always see the monster or antagonist doing something bad, but before the bad thing happens, real life goes on. Giving my characters real-world situations involves a ton of pacing. My step count on my pedometer is sure to increase these next few weeks.
Finally, I finished the first draft of a semi-science fiction story which includes a love story. Not sure how my characters pulled me in that direction, but it was another story with a happy ending. I’m hoping my novel-length story places me back into the sinister world I’m used to. Take care.