Author Archive
My Current Stories
The stories below are free and can be found at the following websites:
and iBooks (for those times you’re waiting for your automobile to be serviced).
When you read them, please take a few seconds to leave a review by clicking on the stars associated with the book cover. If you’d like to leave comments, they are always welcome, good or bad (I have a very thick skin). I use the reviews and comments to enhance my craft.
Hello all!
Welcome to my blog site. I’ve just built this so give me some time to get acquainted with setting it up.
First, and foremost, I will not be posting on the blog everyday. I just don’t have the time. However, I will be posting a few drabbles, flash fiction, and short stories from time to time. I’ll also let you know where I am on my projects. I’ll try to answer every question I can and will be available to assist any future writer with their endeavors.