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Author Archive

Another story for the Vault

Wow! I didn’t know that I last wrote a post back in April. My mind has been so cluttered, I’m forgetting what’s important! Well, after a desperately needed two-week vacation, I was finally able to come up with a brief story about teenage rebellion. Most of us can remember what we did and said during that stressful time, and some of us even lived to tell our children about it, maybe. Our parent’s old saying goes, “I brought you into this world, and I will take you out!” Most teenagers should take heed of those twelve words because you never know if it will come true or not!

Enjoy ‘It’s Time for My Wish!‘ located under the ‘Vault of My Mind‘ tab.

My Vault is growing!

Hello all. I’m trying my best to keep writing, but coming up with new ideas has been a challenge. Nevertheless, I’ll keep my mind plunged into the depths of the supernatural world. This latest short story in ‘The Vault of My Mind’ is troubling, even to me. It’s called The Stains of Purgatory. Enjoy!

A new story in the Vault

Hello all! I’ve added another story to my Vault. ‘Ashes from Above’ has some truth associated with it, but I won’t tell what that truth is. See if you can figure it out. Click on ‘The Vault of My Mind’ link across the top of my website to read the story. Enjoy!

Submitted new story for new an Anthology

Hi all. Terror Tract Publishing is developing an anthology book dealing with infestations. I had the beginning of a story that had nothing to do with the subject matter, but I easily added nasty little creatures to it. I can’t publish yet because it’s still in the submission phase. If it’s published, I’ll send out a link. If it isn’t, I’ll submit it one more place, then depending on its acceptance or rejection, I publish it under ‘The Vault of My Mind’.

Received a 4-STAR Rating

I received some very good news today from Amy’s Bookshelf. She’s given me a 4-STAR review for ‘An Unexpected Evil’. You should be able to read the review here:…/an-unexpected…


Hi all! This is your chance to get all of my stories for FREE. Just use the following code at SMASHWORDS.COM:


All I ask in return is that you leave an honest review of my stories by clicking on the stars. Enjoy!!!

Moving Forward…

Hello all! Well, I’ve been doing some intense marketing over the holiday season. It’s time to get back to the craft of writing. I’m still experimenting with Deep Point-of-View. I’m currently working on a novella with a single protagonist. There are very few extra characters. I’m being forced to stay inside this character’s head as I’ve never done before. I’ve also been reading pages from other stories to see how other authors use deep POV. I’ve learned a lot from them. Perusing my past stories, I can see where I can improve them, but that will have to wait. I’m going to push forward with my current and future stories and apply these newly acquired techniques.

Talk to ya soon and Happy New Year!

I have a Christmas present waiting for you!

Hello all! Christmas is right around the corner, and you’re probably very busy with your shopping (both in stores and online). In a few days, I’ll let you know about a Christmas present I’ll have just for you.

Stay Tuned!!!

Received a second 5-Star Rating

I awoke this morning to a very pleasant surprise. ‘Revelations’ of Evil has received a 5-star rating from Reader’s Favorite. The link their mini-review wasn’t present this time so I used Microsoft’s Snipping Tool to get a copy of the review. If the link does reappear, I’ll add it to my website.

With two 5-stars reviews under my belt, I need to get the books posted at However, Amazon does allow free stories. That means I’ll have to price both ‘An Unexpected Evil’ and ‘Revelations of Evil’. Their prices will be $.99.

The good news is that I won’t do this until I publish my novella ‘Kelly’s Curse’ at Amazon (sometime before the end of this year). This will allow me to have three stories published at Amazon all at once. The second advantage is that my two reviews will be published at Amazon also, giving me more exposure to a very, very wide audience.

If you haven’t downloaded either story, you still have plenty of time to download them for free. I would greatly appreciate your review after you’ve finished reading them. It’s your honest feedback that let’s me know what I’m doing right, and more importantly, what I’m doing wrong.

I’ve been missing you!

Hello Everybody! Unfortunately, I’ve had to really slow down on my writing because of increased job responsibilities. I can’t wait until I can write full-time!

In the meantime, I’m done with my final edits for my next novella, Kelly’s Curse. Within the next month, I’ll send it off to my editor. Her input from last time was an eye-opener. She enjoyed the story but told me my ending wasn’t there. I thought it was until she asked, ‘What happened to the main character?’ Once I re-read it, she was absolutely right. The last sentence ended with his mother. In fact, the point-of-view character ended on his mother, not him.

I’d made a cardinal sin in fiction writing — breaking the promise I made to the reader. (Such a no-no!)

It didn’t take long for me to come up with a satisfying finish the story. I’ll find out what my editor thinks when I send it to her.

On a different note, I have a few short stories and flash fiction pieces that I’ve posted in a couple of my forums. I will create a new tab and start posting a few of those stories here. They’re based on writing prompts from those forums. Most are daily prompts, and I’ve won my share. Some are better than others, but overall, they give me various ways to develop my characters and their situations.

Stay tuned!

P.S. I just found another ‘big OOPS’ while adding my new menu item. The link to ‘Revelations of Evil’ on my My Home Page still pointed to ‘An Unexpected Evil’. This has been corrected.

This is me!
March 2025
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