Archive for January, 2024
I Rose Like a Phoenix…
Hello all! Yesterday, I posted a comment about the difficulty I ran into with my latest mystery. The story came to such an abrupt halt. I had to shake it off, but my mind kept returning to it when I didn’t want to think about it anymore. Other possible stories came to mind, but no matter what, my last mystery clung on for dear life.
Well, 12,000 steps later, I had an eureka moment! The only way to keep the story’s secrets concealed was to scrutinize the timeline and locations of each main character, which was quite difficult. The six timelines overlapped and collided with one another while each character’s location changed. I had to perform some mental gymnastics to separate each timeline so they fit each location, but when I fixed two timelines, the other four wouldn’t work.
After examining the relationships between the six characters, I had to make one character move to a new location much later than I’d planned. Making that single change allowed me to re-examine the timelines, and conflicts. That’s when I discovered everything else fell into place, and all the words I’d written so far didn’t have to be modified.
Personally, that’s what I find exciting about writing. I’ve hit many walls since I started creating fictional stories. It’s easier to create a monster than it is to examine the intrapersonal relationships among characters. The realism of the story lies with those characters. Take care!
My Third Mystery has stalled…
Hello all! Well, it looks like I hit a sturdy brick wall upon writing my third mystery, and it’s a nasty one. The story is based around a saying I heard long ago in the show Sanford and Son. The saying is:
Momma’s baby.
Papa’s? Maybe. (Think Jerry Springer episodes)
It was a dive into the nasty side of parenthood. I spent hours of walking, fleshing out the story. I still hadn’t written the story’s first word. I developed the crime itself, followed by everything that led up to the crime, and everything my protagonist had to discover to uncover the who did it. Then came the characters, their physical and mental descriptions, along with their motivations. Hours and hours of walking and thinking.
Last week, I sat down and starting putting the story on paper, so to speak. Around 6600 words in, I was forced to stop. Somewhere during story development, I overlooked something which I only discovered after putting word to paper. It’s such a disappointment. At the moment, I don’t know if I can find a workaround, but I do have other stories ideas waiting that need to be fleshed out. Switching gears so suddenly hurts, but it’s necessary this time. Take care!
New Cover and Logo…
Hello all! After much thought, I decided to change the cover of ‘Starting Over’. The blue and white felt chilly to me after a while, and those stories slide more into the cozy supernatural genre, if there is such a thing. That’s why I went with a softer image. Each woman’s experience awaits them as they drift along the sea of life.

I’m also introducing my new logo! I hope my stories allow readers to escape the humdrum of daily life and fly away, even for a short time.
The bird represents you, the reader.
The stars welcome you to a new realm.
The object behind the bird can represent the moon or the sun, depending on the time of day you wish to escape.
Look for my logo and various forms of it in the future.
Take care!