Archive for April, 2022
Relaxing Writing Environment…
Hello all! I’ve finished all my revisions for my new collection and will send it to my editor in May. I’ve learned a lot since my last critique, especially when it comes to police procedures vs. detective procedures. Law enforcement procedures are usually a part of my stories because a crime is committed. Luckily, I had the help of an extremely close friend who works in law enforcement and verified that my fictional procedures fall in line with actual police procedures. I also discovered is enhances my storytelling and allows me to add more realism.
Something new is my recently discovered setting for writing and editing my stories at home. In the image, you’ll see my laptop in the foreground. Playing in the background is classical music I found at I personally play the Focus stream in the background at a low setting while my television is tuned to Pluto TV’s SlowTV station.

If you’ve never heard of SlowTV, it’s a channel that broadcasts the travel of trains in Norway. They mounted a camera in the cab and displays the tracks and surrounding landscape as the train passes through the beautiful countryside. I mute the television and listen to classical music, and it’s amazing how well I can write in that environment. However, I have set alarms on my phone to tell me to walk for 5 minutes every hour, or I’ll sit there all day!
Currently, I’m working on the first draft of book 3 of my Unexpected Evil collection. Book 2 is already done, but not ready to send to my editor yet. I’ll keep you informed on my progress. See ya!
Getting closer…
Hello all! I’m just about done with my revisions for the new collection I’m planning. The last step is to use MS Words Text-to-Speech feature to read the story back to me. Listening to my stories helps me understand if the story is flowing naturally or not, especially dialogue. It also helps me find when my author’s voice replaces the narrator’s voice, which is a no-no. Once this is done, I’ll send them to my editor for another critique.
I don’t normally send my stories off twice for a critique, but I’m determined to make this collection the best possible. One story was a complete rewrite but still used the same two main characters, while another had to be trimmed to use only a single point of view. I also realized I’d forgotten to send one story to my editor for a critique.
While the collection is with my editor, I’ll start searching for a cover and a better title. Finding both are just as hard as writing the stories. I also need to develop an intriguing book blurb to entice people to want to read the stories. Then, the marketing starts. By far, the hardest part of writing for me. Stay tuned!