Archive for February, 2019
Hello all. A good friend at my main forum, The Write Practice, has informed me that I’ve been using the wrong word for my upcoming story release. I’ve been calling it an ‘anthology’ when, in reality, it is a ‘collection’. Makes sense, doesn’t it?
Thank you, Justin, for keeping me on the straight and narrow. Take care!
One Step Closer…
Hi everyone! Well, I’m a step closer to publishing my next book. Below is the cover I’ve chosen for the anthology:

Secrets – we all have them (admit it, you know you do!). As I state in my Smashwords biography, I try to expose those fears that tend to control human motivations. This anthology is comprised of five stories with secrets well beyond normal.
In this cover, I see the door to the nightmarish recesses of the mind opening. I’d like your feedback about the cover. Do you think it works, or should the image include something else. Leave a comment or drop me an email at
In an unrelated topic, Phoenix weather is bumming me out right now! It’s cold here! On Feb. 6th, at 3:00 pm, I had to zip my heavy coat up all the way and put on my Cleveland Cavaliers beanie because the ‘hawk’ was out. The ‘hawk’ is old Cleveland slang which means the cold reaches the bones. Yes, the high was in the 50s that day, but the whipping wind made it feel like it was in the 30s. Now, I’m not saying that the other weather around the nation isn’t bad (it’s horrible!), but one of the reasons I moved to the ‘desert’ was to get away from all that cold! See ya soon!
Finally finished editing for now…
Wow, what a journey! In mid-December, I was so stuck on my last short story for my upcoming anthology. I adopted the Story Grid methodology and was able to complete the story in mid-January.
Today was a milestone because I’ve finished my second and third drafts. It’s ready to go off to my editor along with my other four stories! As a celebration (and well-deserved one), I’m watching a music concert and sipping on some rum & coke. Time to relax for a while.
I have quite a few music concerts that help me when I get stressed or just when I want to hear some good music. My musical taste is very wide. Some of the concerts I have are the Eagles, Earth, Wind, & Fire, Grover Washington Jr., George Benson, Ray Charles, Santana, Led
I did get a chance to add to my novel over the past few days. It’s nearly 20,000 words, and I’m just starting Act 2. I can’t believe how much content I have. Well, I’m going to get back to my concert and my cocktail. Have a great weekend everyone!